Mindwatering is committed to maintaining the privacy of our clients and visitors.
You can visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. There are private sections of the site where Mindwatering clients can interact with Mindwatering and visitors can complete anonymous forms. For our anonymous visitors, the forms often ask contact information including name, e-mail, and phone number, so that we can respond to inquiries. This information is only used to respond to your specific inquiry and to send information about Mindwatering's services related to the request.
While cookies may be used for navigation, the user remains anonymous until he, or she, logins to a Mindwatering application / web site. Mindwatering clients who use Mindwatering services likely use software that make use of cookies for authentication session cookies or preferences.
Our servers gather usage logs as part of their internal processes. We analyze these web server logs for certain trends and statistics, such as to research error messages our site visitors are reporting, to help determine which parts of the site are most useful and least useful to our clients or site visitors, and to assist our clients having an issue with a Mindwatering application or web site. When clients logon, or authenticate, to private sections of the Mindwatering site, or login to their applications on Mindwatering servers, a cookie is required in order for logons to be successful.
We intend to protect the quality and integrity of your personally identifiable information. We have implemented appropriate technical and managerial procedures to maintain information that is accurate, current, and complete. If your contact information is changing, please let us know so we can best maintain our working relationship with you.
When you contract with Mindwatering for Mindwatering services, we collect pertinent information for performing the work and billing our client companies for that work. We ask our clients to limit their personal information to business appropriate usage. For example, we will ask for a primary contact name, company name, mailing and shipping addresses, a business phone and e-mail, and the billing contact information, if different.
We have third-party vendors and partners which Mindwatering will use to fulfill specific service needs, such as a domain registration, licensing renewal assistance, or producing of a music CD. Mindwatering makes every attempt to make sure such transactions and relationships are only with reputable companies. Before taking such action, we involve our clients in the selection of vendors or business partners so that our clients can make informed judgements regarding these transactions.
Mindwatering staff value your time; so Mindwatering doesn't typically send marketing messages in bulk. If we send you a message, it will be from a Person at Mindwatering and is typically related to a service you are already using. You are welcome to reply at any time and let us know your preferences regarding Mindwatering mailing or calling you regarding services being rendered.
If you cancel your account, your account will be marked in-active. If you have hosting application or e-mail services with us, those services are deactivated and removed. Bulk data from backups of Mindwatering servers may contain information for the period in which we keep our server backups. However, all e-mail and applications are removed from Mindwatering servers by either an automatic or manual process. We typically offer our clients copies of applications or sites that we have hosted for their own archive purposes.
Mindwatering clients can request that all information be removed. Mindwatering asks that you realize that this request will also cancel any services being utilized. Some services may require an advanced notice for cancellation or take a short time to implement. In addition, your data may be in server backups for at least 7 days, and up to 30 days, unless you have contracted for custom back-up storage policies with Mindwatering.
When you hire Mindwatering for custom "for hire" application development or design consulting services, a copy of those works are backed up. As Mindwatering clients often ask for us to make additions and updates to their previous works, archives are kept indefinitely for those works. If you do not wish Mindwatering to archive your works after production, please let us know during the process so that we can skip the backup of your works. Please note that asking us to not back-up your works means we will not have that work if the copy we give you or that you have is lost or accidentally destroyed.
Support data will only be used to provide customers with support while using Mindwatering services. Mindwatering may share this data with the makers of the software to obtain escalated support directly with the vendors which make software we use. Mindwatering does not use this information for any advertising or marketing purposes.
Mindwatering servers generally include secure web site browsing, where the server browser displays a lock to indicate the site has been secured. This technology is often referred as "secure sockets" or "SSL". Not every web page may include secure browsing, and clients can often switch their browsers to use Mindwatering web sites without secure browsing. Mindwatering does not recommend use of applications or e-mail, which are not anonymous, unless used securely with both TLS (modern SSL) encryption and user authentication. No security measures are 100% effective, and Mindwatering cannot warrant your security of transmission. Therefore, Mindwatering recommends technology where both the transmission of data, and the data itself, are encrypted.
Mindwatering does not keep PCI, credit card number, data after the payment transaction with the third-party "payment gateway" is complete. Because of PCI privacy concern, Mindwatering does not offer reoccurring billing even when using third-paries that offer this service.
When you use the internet, various hardware devices logged the packets of information requested so that the information requested makes it back to you. Often that information is logged by the devices, across which, those packets of information traverse.
Mindwatering doesn't profile our client individual visits with demographic or social data, nor do we analyze their IPs (other than to track number of hits each page has daily, and where globally the traffic is coming), nor do we do marketing campaigns, other than to send a client a survey to ask how Mindwatering performed during a work order requested by a Mindwatering client. Please note that a client of Mindwatering hosting their web site or server application(s) on Mindwatering server(s) may choose to do so, as they are not Mindwatering's applications or web sites.
Clients should note that our servers do log user sessions and e-mail routing. If you use Mindwatering based e-mail services with Mindwatering, that data includes messages like "<email address logged in from IP>", and "<message from [some] domain delivered to <email address>". These logs are rotated, archived, and then deleted by the server OS and/or the application services running on them after weeks or months. Mindwatering does not gather them unless requested by the client for troubleshooting a support issue, or by a properly documented law enforcement request.
While we doubt that any areas of the Mindwatering website are of particular interest to children, we will use our best efforts not to collect personal information from those identifying themselves to us as age 17 or under. Mindwatering requires that children ask their parents to submit a request for information on their behalf. We encourage parents and guardians to spend time with their children while they are online and participate in their interactive activities.
Mindwatering and SMS services are not available to children under the age of 17, unless consent is obtained by Mindwatering/SMS from the child's parent or legal guardian. In addition, we require that parents enter any agreement with Mindwatering, on behalf of their children, to receive Mindwatering consulting services.
Mindwatering does not sell client information. We will use your business information for preforming service delivery with third-parties when the service requires the use of a third-party, as described under the "Client Information & Security" section above.
The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) informs that Europeans have a right to:
1. Obtain the data Mindwatering has collected for that citizen.
2. Correct any mistakes this data we have collected.
3. The right to have this data erased.
4. To restrict processing of this data.
5. To know the portability of this data.
6. To object to the collection and processing of information.
7. To not be profiled.
Please note that Mindwatering is a US-based company. When you contract for Mindwatering services, your service processing and/or delivery of services are primarily performed in the United States of America, which might include authorized vendors who are providing services world-wide. Please be advised that the United States uses a sectoral model of privacy protection that relies on an overlapping mix of U.S. legislation, governmental regulation written from legislation, and self-regulation. You are further advised that the Council of the European Union privacy protections contemplated by Article 25 of the European Union's Data Directive deems this model as not "adequate" (Directive 95/46/EC, 1995 O.J. (L 281) 31). Article 26 of the European Union's Data Directive allows for transfer of personal data from the European Union to a third country if the individual has unambiguously given his consent to the transfer of personal information, regardless of the third country's level of protection.
Mindwatering requires that its clients read, understand, and agree to Mindwatering's service and privacy policies to work with Mindwatering. By agreeing to this Policy, you consent to the transfer of all such information to the United States and the processing of that information as described in this Policy.
Mindwatering believes that these privacy rights are already ensured in the U.S. Constitution's 4th Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Moreover, pursuant to the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, natural rights come nature's Creator, not from any government.
At a client's choosing, a Mindwatering client and Mindwatering may initiate a Mindwatering service, or end a Mindwatering service with that client. Using the Contact page on this web site, please contact Mindwatering by mail, e-mail, or phone for questions, or to begin or end Mindwatering services. We thank out clients for their business.